
UI.Next DocumentationAPI ReferenceInput

The Input module provides views of time-varying inputs such as mouse position and key presses. These can then be displayed or used with combinators such as SnapshotOn for event-driven behaviour.

module Input =

    type Key = int

    type Mouse =
        static member Position : View<(int * int)>
        static member MousePressed : View<bool>
        static member LeftPressed : View<bool>
        static member RightPressed : View<bool>
        static member MiddlePressed : View<bool>

    type Keyboard =
        static member KeysPressed : View<Key list>
        static member LastPressed : View<Key>
        static member IsPressed : Key -> View<bool>


# .Mouse.Position : View<(int * int)>

Provides a view of the current mouse position, represented as an (x, y) tuple.

# .Mouse.MousePressed : View<bool>

Provides a view of a flag which is set to true if any mouse button is pressed, and false if not.

# .Mouse.LeftPressed : View<bool>

Provides a view of a flag which is set to true if the left mouse button is pressed, and false if not.

# .Mouse.RightPressed : View<bool>

Provides a view of a flag which is set to true if the right mouse button is pressed, and false if not.

# .Mouse.MiddlePressed : View<bool>

Provides a view of a flag which is set to true if the middle mouse button is pressed, and false if not.


# .Keyboard.KeysPressed : View<Key list>

Provides a view of a list of all keys which are currently pressed.

# .Keyboard.LastPressed : View<Key>

Provides a view of the last key to be pressed.

# .Keyboard.IsPressed : Key -> View<bool>

Provides a view which is true when the given key is pressed, and false when it is not.