HTML Templates

This document describes templates defined in the WebSharper.Html package. To use HTML templates with UI.Next, see the UI.Next documentation.


Default sitelet projects will contain a Main.html file similar to the following:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <meta name="generator" content="websharper" data-replace="scripts" />
  <div data-replace="body">

This is a template file, specifying a simple HTML structure. Templates are currently parsed with an XML parser, and may contain holes allowing dynamic elements to be inserted. Holes are defined using a special syntax:

  1. ${NameOfHole} declares for a placeholder for textual substitution and is allowed in text nodes and attribute value positions.

  2. data-replace="NameOfHole" and data-hole="NameOfHole" declare an element to be a placeholder that is either substituted (data-replace) or filled with (data-hole) nodes.

Usage for a full page

A typical use of the templates can be found in the Skin module in the default sitelet templates. Here, a collection of holes and their types is declaratively defined using F# combinators, and an instance of the template is specified using a webroot-relative path such as ~/Main.html:

module Skin =
    open WebSharper
    open WebSharper.Sitelets
    open WebSharper.Html.Server
    type Page =
            Title : string
            Body : list<Element>
    let MainTemplate : Content.Template<Page> =
            .With("title", fun x -> x.Title)
            .With("body", fun x -> x.Body)

With these definitions in place, you can easily create Sitelet content with Content.WithTemplate:

    let MainPage (context: Context<EndPoint>) : Async<Content<EndPoint>> =
        Content.WithTemplate MainTemplate
                Title = "My page"
                Body = [H1 [Text "Body of the page]]

Three special placeholders are provided to include client-side content in the page:

  • scripts is replaced with the JavaScript files required by the client-side code included in the page.
  • styles is replaced with the CSS files required by the client-side code included in the page.
  • meta is replaced with a <meta> tag that contains initialization data for client-side controls.

If neither styles nor meta is provided, then scripts is replaced with the normal content of meta, styles and scripts.

Usage for a snippet

You can also use a template to contain just a part of a page, with the method Run which returns a list<Element>. For example, with this content in Article.html:

<section class="main" data-hole="content"></section>

You can insert it in a page with the following:

type Article =
        Title : string
        Content : list<Element>

let ArticleTemplate =
            .With("title", fun x -> x.Title)
            .With("content", fun x -> x.Content)

let MainPage (context: Context<EndPoints>) =
    let articles = GetArticles() // eg. from database
    Content.WithTemplate MainTemplate
			Title = "Welcome to my blog!"
			Body = [
				yield H1 [Text "Welcome to my blog!"]
				for article in articles do
					yield! ArticleTemplate.Run(article, context.RootFolder)