
UINext DocumentationAPI ReferenceAttr

Combinators for constructing time-varying and animated DOM attributes. The concept of attributes is understood generally to include style properties, event handlers and other things that can decorate a DOM node.

Some of the methods below are only available in JavaScript-compiled code. See here for a discussion of client-side and server-side functionality.

namespace WebSharper.UI.Next

type Attr =
    static member Create : name: string -> value: string -> Attr
    static member Dynamic : name: string -> value: View<string> -> Attr
    static member Animated : name: string -> Trans<'T> -> view: View<'T> -> value: ('T -> string) -> Attr
    static member Style : name: string -> value: string -> Attr
    static member DynamicStyle : name: string -> value: View<string> -> Attr
    static member AnimatedStyle : name: string -> Trans<'T> -> view: View<'T> -> value: ('T -> string) -> Attr
    static member Handler : name: string -> callback: (DomEvent -> unit) -> Attr
    static member Class : name: string -> Attr
    static member DynamicClass : name: string -> view: View<'T> -> apply: ('T -> bool) -> Attr
    static member DynamicPred : name: string -> predView: View<bool> -> valView: View<string> -> Attr
    static member Append : Attr -> Attr -> Attr
    static member Concat : seq<Attr> -> Attr
    static member Empty : Attr

Basic Attributes

# Attr.Create : string -> string -> Attr

Given a name and a value, creates a simple HTML attribute. For example, Attr.Create "href" "".

# Attr.Dynamic : string -> View<string> -> Attr

Creates an attribute with a value that can change over time. See View.

# Attr.DynamicProp : string -> View<'T> -> Attr

Creates a property with a value that can change over time.

# Attr.DynamicPred : name: string -> View<bool> -> View<string> -> Attr

Adds a given value when a predicate view is true. Can be useful when disabling elements, for example.

# Attr.Animated : string -> Trans<'T> -> View<'T> -> ('T -> string) -> Attr

Animated attributes generalize dynamic ones by interpolating between changing states. When a DOM tree is updated, elements that have animated attributes may be added, removed or have the attributes update the value. Trans value describes which animation should be played in each of those situations.

# Attr.Value : Var<string> -> Attr

Gets and sets the value of the element according to a Var.

# Attr.CustomValue : Var<'a> -> ('a -> string) -> (string -> 'a option) -> Attr

Gets and sets the value of the element according to a Var, using the given functions to transform the value to and from a string.

Event handlers

# Attr.Handler : string -> (Dom.Element -> #Dom.Event -> unit) -> Attr

Specifies a handler for a DOM event, such as click event for a button.

# Attr.HandlerView : string -> View<'T> -> (Dom.Element -> #Dom.Event -> 'T -> unit) -> Attr

Specifies a handler for a DOM event, such as click event for a button. In addition to the element and the event parameter, the handler also receives the current value of a View.

CSS Attributes

# Attr.Class : string -> Attr

Specifies a class attribute. Classes are additive, so:

Attr.Append (Attr.Class "a") (Attr.Class "b") = Attr.Create "class" "a b"

# Attr.DynamicClass : string -> View<'T> -> ('T -> bool) -> Attr

Specifies a class that is added or removed depending on a particular time-varying flag.

# Attr.Style : string -> string -> Attr

Specifies a CSS style property, such as Attr.Style "background-color" "black".

# Attr.DynamicStyle : string -> View<string> -> Attr

Generalizes CSS style properties to depend on time-varying values.

# Attr.AnimatedStyle : string -> Trans<'T> -> View<'T> -> ('T -> string) -> Attr

A variant of Attr.Animated for style properties.

Attribute Collections

# Attr.Append : Attr -> Attr -> Attr

Combines two collections of attributes into one.

# Attr.Concat : seq<Attr> -> Attr

Concatenates multiple collections of attributes into one.

# Attr.Empty : Attr

The empty collection of attributes.