Client-side vs Server-side

UI.Next DocumentationClient-side vs Server-side

UI.Next is mainly composed of two parts:

Since UI.Next is a WebSharper library, (most of) it is not only compiled to .NET bytecode like any F# code, but also to JavaScript to be run in the browser. A few subtleties stem from this double model, which are explained here.

For the purpose of this document, "server side" means running in .NET (or any CLI environment such as Mono), while "client side" means running in JavaScript.

The reactive layer

The reactive layer (Vars, Views and Models), while primarily designed for the client side, is also usable in .NET. However, it does not currently have any means of crossing the server-client boundary. This means that it is not currently possible to have a server-side View's value automatically propagated to the client side. The only way to run a dataflow graph in .NET is to directly call the function View.Sink.

The HTML / DOM abstraction

The DOM abstraction is also usable both on the server side and on the client side.

Client side

All of the DOM functionality is available on the client side, and time-varying elements and attributes can depend on client-side Views. Note that the client-only functionality requires opening the namespace WebSharper.UI.Next.Client.

Client-side Docs can be integrated directly into the DOM using the functions Doc.Run and Doc.RunById. They can also be used as the body of a Web.Control, since the type Doc implements the interface IControlBody.

Server side

Due to the lack of an actual DOM running, server-side HTML functionality is much more restricted. Essentially, it is purely generative: all of the following functionality will raise a runtime exception if called.

  • any functionality related to the reactive layer (such as Doc.EmbedView or Attr.Dynamic);
  • any functionality using the DOM API, such as Doc.Static or Attr.Handler.
  • attributes that deal with individual classes or styles, such as Attr.SetClass or Attr.SetStyle.

However, it is possible to add event handlers to server-side Docs using the version of Attr.Handler that is available when the namespace WebSharper.UI.Next.Client is not opened. This function takes its callback in a quotation, with very strict constraints on the contents of the quotation: it must only be the name of a top-level function or a static member. You can also use the shorthands available from WebSharper.UI.Next.Html, such as

It is also possible to include a client-side Doc within a server-side Doc, using the function Doc.ClientSide (aliased as client when WebSharper.UI.Next.Html is opened). This function takes its content as a quotation, subject to similar constraints: the quoted expression must be a call to a top-level function or static member, and its arguments must only be literals or local variables. The resulting HTML is a simple placeholder with a unique id, and runtime code will replace this placeholder with the correct Doc.

Server-side Docs can be integrated into a WebSharper application in one of the following ways:

  • The type Doc implements the interface Web.INode, so it can be used as:
    • the Head or Body argument of the Sitelets method Content.Page;
    • a child element of a WebSharper.Html.Server element.
  • When opening WebSharper.UI.Next.Server, the method Content.Page has an overload that takes a single Doc argument representing a full HTML page.


Here is an example of a client-server WebSharper application that uses the Doc API both on the server and on the client. You can simply copy and paste it as the content of Main.fs in a WebSharper UI.Next Client-Server Application project.

namespace UINextSample

open WebSharper
open WebSharper.Sitelets
open WebSharper.UI.Next
open WebSharper.UI.Next.Html

module ClientCode =
    open WebSharper.JavaScript
    open WebSharper.UI.Next.Client

    let rvInput = Var.Create ""
    let submit = Submitter.Create (rvInput.View.Map Some) None

    let Submit (el: Dom.Element) (ev: Dom.Event) =

    let InputControl() =
        Doc.Input [attr.placeholder "Enter your name here"] rvInput

    let OutputControl() =
            | None ->
            | Some "" ->
                pAttr [Attr.Style "color" "red"] [
                    text "Please enter your name!"
                ] :> _
            | Some name ->
                p [text ("Welcome, " + name + "!")] :> _

module ServerCode =
    open WebSharper.UI.Next.Server

    let Website =
        Application.SinglePage(fun ctx ->
                Title = "UI.Next client-server example",
                Body = [
                    h1 [text "Who are you?"]
                    client <@ ClientCode.InputControl() @>
                    inputAttr [
                        attr.``type`` "submit"
               <@ ClientCode.Submit @>
                    ] []
                    client <@ ClientCode.OutputControl() @>