Compiler settings

WebSharper's compiler can be customized by a number of settings. There are two ways to provide these settings: either in the .csproj / .fsproj project file, or (since version 4.2) in a wsconfig.json located next to the project file. The recommended way is to use wsconfig.json.

Json configuration

WebSharper 4.2 introduces the option to configure the build with a wsconfig.json file placed in the same directory as a project file. This must consist of a single JSON object. Keys are all case-insensitive. Boolean values can be true of false literals or strings that can be parsed to a bool. Here is an example wsconfig.json:

  "project": "site",
  "outputDir": "wwwroot",
  "sourceMap": true,
  "downloadResources": true

Optionally, to get tooltips from supporting editors, you can add the following JSON Schema declaration:

  "$schema": "",
  // ...

The Ionide extension for Visual Studio Code includes the schema, and provides tooltips even without the above declaration.

Project Variables

Most configuration options are also settable as properties in the .csproj/.fsproj files. For example the equivalent of "sourceMap": true is <WebSharperSourceMap>True</WebSharperSourceMap>. These must be set inside a <PropertyGroup> element.

If a setting is provided both in the project file and in wsconfig.json, the value in wsconfig.json takes precedence.

Available Settings


Obligatory (*either this or OutputDir is needed)

Type: string (see below)

Specifies the WebSharper project type. The valid values and their corresponding project types are listed below.

Project type WebSharperProject value
Client-Server Application Site,Web,Website,Export
Extension Extension,InterfaceGenerator
Library Library
HTML Application Html
Single Page Application Bundle
Single Page Application without .NET compilation BundleOnly

If Project is empty but OutputDir is specified then this setting will implicitly have the value Site, which means a Client-Server Application project type.

wsconfig.json file syntax:

"project": "value"

.*proj file syntax:


Console argument: --ws:value


Obligatory if Project is unspecified or equal to Site; optional otherwise.

Type: relative or absolute folder path

Specifies the path of the compilation output directory relative to the project file when the project type is Client-Server Application, Single Page Application or HTML Application. Default folder is ./Content for SPAs and ./bin/html for HTML apps.

wsconfig.json file syntax:

"outputDir": "some/folder"

.*proj file syntax:

<!-- If Project is Html: -->
<!-- If Project is Bundle: -->
<!-- If Project is Site: -->

Console argument: --wsoutput:some/folder


Type: bool (default is false)

If the value is true, the compiler will include source maps and the required source files in a WebSharper assembly.

Sitelets and Single Page Application projects are supported, while offline Sitelets are not. Read more about setting up Source Mapping in the documentation.

wsconfig.json file syntax:

"sourceMap": false

.*proj file syntax:


Console argument: --jsmap


Type: bool (default is false)

If the value is true, WebSharper compiler errors will be treated as warnings.

wsconfig.json file syntax:

"warnOnly": false

.*proj file syntax:


Console argument: --wswarnonly


Type: bool (default is true, only affects Bundle/BundleOnly projects)

Set the value to false to turn off dead code elimination.

If dead code elimination and source mapping are both turned off for a Bundle/BundleOnly project, then bundling does not rewrite the JavaScript code of referenced assemblies into one scope, just concatenates the pre-compiled .js files of them. This results in faster compilation speeds for iterative testing.

wsconfig.json file syntax:

"dce": false

.*proj file syntax:


Console argument: --dce+/--dce- (default is --dce+)


Type: bool (default is false)

Currently implemented for Sitelet projects. Set to true to have WebSharper download all remote js/css resources defined in the current project and all references.

You also need to set UseDownloadedResources to true in your application configuration file so that WebSharper inserts a link to that downloaded file in your pages instead of a link to the online resource.

wsconfig.json file syntax:

"downloadResources": false

.*proj file syntax:


Console argument: --dlres


Type: bool or "MoveToTop" (default is false)

There is an inconvenient source of memory leaks in most JavaScript engines which is described here.

This setting can enable warnings on these kinds of captures, helping to eliminate memory leaks.

Possible values:

  • True - Turns warnings on
  • MoveToTop - Moves all non-capturing lambdas to top level automatically (experimental)
  • False - Default setting, no JS closure analysis.

wsconfig.json file syntax:

"analyzeClosures": false

.*proj file syntax:


Console argument: --closures:true/--closures:movetotop


Type: bool or array of strings (default is false)

Setting this to true is equivalent to having a JavaScript attribute on the assembly level: it marks the entire assembly for JavaScript compilation. You can still exclude types by using the JavaScript(false) attribute.

Alternatively, you can pass an array of strings, containing file or type names. This is marking the given files or types for JavaScript compilation.

wsconfig.json file syntax:

"javascript": false

.*proj file syntax: (none)


Type: string (relative or absolute file path)

Provide a path to a file to make WebSharper write the .js output for the project.

wsconfig.json file syntax:

"jsOutput": "some/file.js"

.*proj file syntax: (none)


Type: string (relative or absolute file path)

Provide a path to a file make WebSharper write the .min.js output for the project.

wsconfig.json file syntax:

"minJsOutput": "some/file.min.js"

.*proj file syntax: (none)


Type: boolean or empty (default is empty)

By default, the WebSharper compiler runs on .NET Framework when compiling a .NET Framework assembly, and on .NET Core when compiling a .NET Core or .NET Standard assembly. This option overrides this and enforces which version of the compiler to run. true forces the .NET Framework compiler, and false forces the .NET Core compiler.

wsconfig.json file syntax: (none). wsconfig.json is parsed by the compiler, so by this point it's too late to choose which compiler to run.

.*proj file syntax:
